Hey there, ByteDream here

I'm a german computer science student who loves open source development, to automate and simplify things. My featured programming languages are Rust, Go, Python and HTML/CSS/Typescript with Svelte. You can view my projects over at my GitHub profile or a selected portfolio in the projects section below. I use Linux (Arch btw.) as my operating system and therefore develop my applications for Linux first.

Besides programming I'm also a huge anime fan :3. You can visit my MyAnimeList profile if you want to see in which anime I'm interested in.



A command-line interface to download series from Crunchyroll.


A Rust library to interact with Crunchyroll. Used by crunchy-cli.

Stream Bypass

A multi-browser addon to bypass video player of multiple video providers and using the native browser player instead.


Redirects a request to GitHub / Gitea release assets dynamically. A public-use instance is hosted at smartrelease.bytedream.dev.


This smol book describes how to use Lua in the Browser, powered by Rust WebAssembly.

Bubatzkarte App

Mobile App for bubatzkarte.de.

Dead projects

Enhance Crunchyroll

A multi-browser addon to enhance the user experience on crunchyroll.com


A ssh server that can create new docker containers and re-login into existing ones